10 reasons why give back to society? — Hope of Love and Humanity

4 min readFeb 10, 2020

Why give back to society? Giving back or donating to the causes that you care benefits not only the charity but also benefits you. There are too many advantages to giving back that you can even realize. Giving back will make you feel deeply rewarding at heart. Millions of people have a habit of constantly giving to the society to support causes that they believe in. The charity is proven to have a positive effect on their own lives as well. So, answering the question, why is a charity so gratifying? Here are a few reasons which emphasize the answer to ‘Why give back to society?’

  1. Experience Pleasure: According to research conducted by the National Institute of Health, people who donated a minimum amount on a monthly basis have activated pleasure centres in the brain. This experiment has been entirely scientific and controlled, but the results proved that donating money can make a human feel better.
  2. Bring meaning to your Life: By donating or giving back, you are creating opportunities to meet people who believe in the same causes as you do. The interaction with like-minded people can inspire you to create a real impact on these causes. It can also infuse your life with a purpose or meaning in case you are stuck in a rut wondering why life is so stagnant. Giving back can reinvigorate your life.
  3. Help others in need: There will never be a perfect time to give back as we are not living in a perfect world. But there are always a few people who need help in tough situations. Irrespective of the economy being in doldrums and the interests raising, it is human to donate to people that need money. Our financial difficulties only last a while, but their last for a lifetime.
  4. Strengthens personal values: When asked why they want to give back, 96% of people who participated in the research said that they are obliged to help others. They said that it’s a moral duty which is rooted in their principles and personal values. Acting on these feelings is the responsibility of a human.
  5. Teach generosity to children: When kids see that you’re giving back, they adopt the same mindset when they grow up. Many people said that it’s from their personal experiences that they have learnt about the children learning how to give back from their parents. By teaching the child to give, share and donate; you’re doing good to mankind.
  6. Inspire friends and family: By letting your family and friends know your charitable donations after giving back, you can find that they are being motivated to do the same. They would undertake efforts to donate their own part within their limits — especially towards the communal causes like poverty or education. Giving back stokes a passion in people around you.
  7. Realize that small donations help: You don’t always have to donate in bulk amounts to make a difference. Even little amounts could result in acquiring week’s meals for a starving kid or the needed medical help for an elderly. Don’t just think of how much you’re donating by knowing that little amount can make the help a lot better and push the cause further.
  8. Improve Money Management: By scheduling a particular amount towards donation each month, you can also motivate yourself to be cautious towards your finances. This way, you won’t fall behind in donations and also will not end up over spending.
  9. Give, when you can’t volunteer: In cases where you think that you should volunteer but are too busy to spend time towards the betterment of a cause, you can donate money. Money is just a workaround for a time as it helps the organizations to acquire more resources that can improve the cause.
  10. Spreading the love: In a world where almost all humans have become victims of materialism, people need love. Love is an emotion that we lack, but it is something we need to be rational. By giving back to society, you can prove that love exists. Charity gives people the hope of humanity while spreading love.

In conclusion, stepping on the happiness path is as simple as spending a little amount. The next time you find a small bill in your pocket, spend this money on yourself but not just to buy something. Spend it in donating in order to help yourself and the society that you’re living in. In cases where you’re not inspired to give back towards a cause, explore your motivation for giving and this reflection might nudge you into giving back.

That being said, we at Donatekart, raise campaigns in order to make sure that no humans, animals or plants are left shelter less and food less. We also advocate for the education of the children and also medical health of the humans and animals, irrespective of age. Take a moment, ponder on our website, answer the question — what makes you most interested in giving back and donating!

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