India’s First Openly Gay Prince Talks All Things LGBTQIA+ And Being A Good Ally Beyond Pride Month
Fifty-two years ago, on June 28, 1969, the police raided a New York gay bar named Stonewall Inn. This was the start of the LGBTQIA+ community and allies fighting for the rights of the LGBTQIA+ population. A year later, a protest was organised to celebrate “Gay Pride”, which is now celebrated by various communities worldwide and is more popularly known as Pride month.
Rainbow washing — what is it and why it needs to stop
Rainbow washing is nothing but a farcical attempt to represent the LGBTQIA+ community by brands and companies. It doesn’t involve addressing the real issues and roadblocks, neither does it take into account the historical discrimination that this community has been subjected to. It is safe to say that these practices result in harming the business as it is easy to see through these superficial moves by corporations and brands.
What’s the way out?
Donatekart had the opportunity to talk to Prince Manavendra Singh Gohil, India’s first openly gay prince. Born to the Maharana and Maharani of Rajpipla, Gujarat, the Prince came out in 2002. Since then, he has been estranged from his family. But that hasn’t stopped him from working closely with the LGBTQ+ community. He is the founding member of Lakshya Trust. Lakshya Trust is a community-based organization registered as a public charitable trust that has been the centre of excellence in the field of sexual health programme for the trans community since its inception in 2000.
In a tête-à-tête with us, Singh shared a couple of insightful things that companies can keep in mind while they celebrate Pride Month.
Donatekart: Do you feel society has come a long way in its acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community?
Manavendra Singh Gohil: Oh yes, definitely! I see how parents are more accepting of their children now. It warms my heart. I am estranged from my family and there are days when I wish they were more understanding. But now when I see families welcoming their openly out children. And when your family is by your side, everything becomes so much easier.
Donatekart: What is your opinion about corporates and brands celebrating Pride Month?
Manavendra Singh Gohil: I will be honest, even a few years ago, this was something that we would not have thought about. This is a welcome move, no doubt. But what I am worried about is that all the clamour for rights and representation is restricted to this month of June. Corporations need to understand that celebrating Pride can not be limited to a month, neither can our struggle. It is very important for them to understand the essence of Pride and uphold its values all through the year.
Donatekart: How do you think this can be achieved?
Manavendra Singh Gohil: Well, the first step is probably to implement a diverse and inclusive policy with a specific focus on the queer community. Second, it is important to make sure that hiring policies reflect an inclusive outlook and encourage diversity on the company’s board, amongst employees and stakeholders. Third, they need to understand that when they deny someone the opportunity to work based on their sexual orientation, it is not just that — the companies, too, are missing out on so much. I urge them to think again — is the stigma and discrimination worth the plethora of talent pool that they can avail?
And finally, it is important for the members of the LGBTQIA+ community to make allies. That is the only way they can talk about their struggle and fight for an equal and more inclusive world. It is important that MNCs and other brands give us that opportunity.
So this Pride, let’s not limit our celebration to the 30 days in the month of June but continue to more inclusive and a strong ally all year long.
We at Donatekart believe in equal opportunities, equal rights, and inclusion. Above all, we believe that love is love. You can support LGBTQIA+ fundraisers here.