#PeopleOfDonatekart: Meet Anudnya Patil
“Everything that I do is for my mother. She and my sister are my whole world, and all I want is to make them proud. Ever since my father passed away, my mom has single-handedly raised us. She ran a successful playschool in Kolhapur for years and when it had to shut down, we were lost. I was studying in Pune then and this playschool was our only source of income. I was worried — but my mother didn’t let me dwell on it for a minute longer. She took everything in her stride and decided to find a way to continue supporting us. She’s always been my pillar of strength.
I don’t remember my father, I was just in second grade when we lost him. All I remember is a family member coming to pick me and my sister up from school to take us to the hospital. Being the youngest, my mom and sister have sheltered me from a lot of the pain they’ve been through. But they’ve also pushed me to be independent and strong. And that’s why even though I consider myself an introvert in social situations, I don’t shy away at work. I find it difficult when people ask me why I’m not talking or why I’m so calm. It’s just who I am. I’m not a person who’s excited all the time. I believe that everyone’s energies and ways of interacting are different. While I like meeting my friends, I also equally enjoy staying at home, watching my favourite movies and eating my favourite food. It’s what makes me happy. That, and talking to my niece Jia! No matter how my day has been, just seeing her makes everything better.
Over the years I’ve learnt to prioritize my mental health. So even when I tell people I go for therapy and they react with ‘why would you pay someone to talk to’, it doesn’t bother me anymore. I’ve worked hard on myself and have grown personally and professionally. Now, I’m so grateful to be able to help people through Donatekart. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do!
Life is very different for us now. After college, I decided to work hard to make sure I’m able to support my mum, and today I’m proud of my journey. I put in the work and now I’m able to give back to her. Despite breaking down many times, I got right back up. Today the smile on my mom’s face is all I need to get by.”
- Anudnya Patil, Business Development Manager