#PeopleOfDonatekart: Meet Mou Kundu Pal

3 min readAug 31, 2021

“I had just graduated when I was married off. My parents, staunch believers in astrology, were determined to make this happen. I was told this was in my best interest.

But I was 19 and I barely knew anything. So, there I was — off to my in-laws place with hope and dreams of a happy married life. Little did I know what awaited me there. The next 6 months have been one of the most harrowing experiences of my life. I had heard about young brides being tortured and ill-treated. But no one imagines that for oneself, right? I tried my best to ‘adjust’ and ‘compromise’ but when I heard about my husband’s affair, I decided to end this toxic relationship.

I came back home, depressed, disgruntled and disillusioned. If this was what marriage, love and commitment was all about — keeping quiet about the atrocities and wrong-doings — I was not going to let that negativity in my life. Despite being upset, I decided that it was time, I focussed on myself and my career growth. The best part was — my family shielded me from any kind of slur that was hurled at me from anyone.

Slowly but steadily I started standing up on my own feet. I started to work and take up more responsibilities — my father’s business was not in a good shape.

And then the most unexpected thing happened. I met someone on a social media site and for the first time, after ages, it felt like I had met someone really special. It was difficult at first — to let go of the baggage but slowly I realised this was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Initially, my family didn’t support this but this time I was ready to live my life on my own terms. So that even if my plan backfired, it would be on me and only me. So I left for Hyderabad to be with this person who I know was ready to accept me for who I was.

Thankfully, my plan didn’t backfire. I am happily married now and have a wonderful family. And the person who used to hate 9–5 jobs now actually enjoys the work that I do in Donatekart. The company’s vision and mission have been an inspiration for me. I don’t think I have ever been happier and more satisfied in my life than now — both professionally and personally.”

— Mou Kundu Pal, Senior Associate-Admin




Written by Donatekart

India’s most trusted and transparent crowdfunding platform, with a vision to create a social impact.

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